Set action download settings to support Win10 patching (November 13th patch webinar)
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This task updates download and action cache settings whose defaults are no longer appropriate for today's large patches.

  • _BESClient_Download_PreCacheStageDiskLimitMB
    • Default value is 250MB, most Windows rollups will not precache with this value.  This task sets the value to 6GB to accomodate up to Win10 feature updates.
  • _BESClient_Download_NormalStageDiskLimitMB
    • Default value is 2GB, feature updates and service packs will not attempt to download with this value.  This task sets the value to 6GB to accomodate up to Win10 feature updates.
  • _BESGather_Download_CacheLimitMB
    • This is a relay and root server setting, default value of 1GB will not persistently store many downloads, requiring repeated redownloads of the same file.  This task sets the root server to 100GB, and relays to 20GB if there is enough free space.  Otherwise, dynamically sets the cache value to half of the free disk space.
  • _BESClient_Download_MinimumDiskFreeMB
    • Default 20MB, the client will prevent downloads if there is less than 20MB of free space.  This task sets the value to 500MB, this is to allow enough overhead space for the client to download a rollup patch with space left to execute the patch.




Property Details

StatusBeta - Preliminary testing ready for more
TitleSet action download settings to support Win10 patching (November 13th patch webinar)
Source Release Date11/4/2019 12:00:00 AM
KeywordsWin10 Windows 10 Patch download client settings
Is TaskTrue
Added by on 11/12/2019 1:03:29 PM
Last Modified by on 11/12/2019 1:03:29 PM
Counters 3361 Views / 26 Downloads
User Rating 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star * Average over 0 ratings. ** Log In or Register to add your rating.


Used in 95 fixlets and 101 analyses   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance


Action 1 (default)

Action Link Click here to deploy this action.
Script Type BigFix Action Script
//set stage disk limits for all endpoints.  6GB is just enough to fit current Windows 10 feature updates.
setting "_BESClient_Download_PreCacheStageDiskLimitMB" = "6000" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
setting "_BESClient_Download_NormalStageDiskLimitMB" = "6000" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
setting "_BESClient_Download_MinimumDiskFreeMB" = "500" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client

//set total download cache limit for the Bigfix core server
If {exists main gather service}
//check if free drive space + used download cache space is more than 100gb
    if {((free space of drive of folder (value of setting "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath" of client)/1024/1024) + (if ( exists folder "bfmirror/downloads/sha1" of folder (value of setting "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath" of client)) then ((sum of sizes of files of folder "bfmirror/downloads/sha1" of folder (value of setting "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath" of client)) /1024/1024) as integer else 0)) > 100000}
        setting "_BESGather_Download_CacheLimitMB" = "100000" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
//set cache limit to half of free space + used download cache space if less than 100gb
        setting "_BESGather_Download_CacheLimitMB" = "{((free space of drive of folder (value of setting "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath" of client)/1024/1024) + (if ( exists folder "bfmirror/downloads/sha1" of folder (value of setting "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath" of client)) then ((sum of sizes of files of folder "bfmirror/downloads/sha1" of folder (value of setting "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath" of client)) /1024/1024) as integer else 0))/2}" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client

//set total download cache limit for relays
If {exists relay service}
//check if free drive space + used download cache space is more than 20gb, set download cache limit to 20gb
    if {((free space of drive of folder (value of setting "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath" of client)/1024/1024) + (if ( exists folder "bfmirror/downloads/sha1" of folder (value of setting "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath" of client)) then ((sum of sizes of files of folder "bfmirror/downloads/sha1" of folder (value of setting "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath" of client)) /1024/1024) as integer else 0)) > 20000}
        setting "_BESGather_Download_CacheLimitMB" = "20000" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
//set cache limit to half of free space + used download cache space if less than 20gb
        setting "_BESGather_Download_CacheLimitMB" = "{((free space of drive of folder (value of setting "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath" of client)/1024/1024) + (if ( exists folder "bfmirror/downloads/sha1" of folder (value of setting "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath" of client)) then ((sum of sizes of files of folder "bfmirror/downloads/sha1" of folder (value of setting "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath" of client)) /1024/1024) as integer else 0))/2}" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
Success Criteria

This action will be considered successful when the applicability relevance evaluates to false.


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drbdanish -
So do I run this on relays only? or all machines including relays?